Sunday, March 22, 2009

Académie des Hardceaux-Game

Amanda, a rare forum user who supports Wii, recently wrote the following in an attempt to calm an angry mob of Wii Fit haters,

"Besides, your hand-eye coordination might be fine tuned, but how's your sense of balance? Your foot-eye coordination? It's a new kind of video game people, open your minds for like five minutes and try it out (I know you know someone who has one) you might like it. It won't mean that you've betrayed your apple - it'll just mean you tried an orange." - Amanda

While it's clear logic and a good plea, the problem is that she's trying to reason with a group of people who drink Mountain Dew, wear headsets and repeat the word "OWNED!" to total strangers until 4 AM, and who believe "maturity" is a game that features blood and fire grenades.

They will never play a single balance game, or attempt to put their balance up to any real test of skill. Their friend at Gamestop would abandon them if they tried.

Now if Nintendo added an animation where the Mii's head exploded if you fell off the balance board, and a gruff voice yelled, "BOOM TOTAL BALANCE DETONATION!!!" and guts flew at you instead of soccer balls, then they'd consider it a "real" game, but that's the only way.

Hardcore gamers have a superiority complex, and believe that their opinion dictates what is a "game", and what is a "non-game". Real games should be celebrated, non-games should be mocked.

It reminds me of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, who shunned Manet and all Impressionism because it was different, the brush strokes were visible and it seemed to completely ignore line, therefore they called it "non-art". 

Today we have fundamentalist gamers, shunning convention-busting games like Wii Music and Wii Fit, calling them "non-games" and lamenting their success over a traditional FPS.

I remember this same sort of complaining in the early 90's, when people were lamenting the success of FPS games, since they were bringing "casual" action gamers to PC, which was traditionally dominated by slower paced simulator and strategy games. 20 years from now, I wouldn't be surprised to see a new generation of gamer shun a new genre, while clinging to traditional balance games.


  1. Do you have a PS3?

  2. Then how did you rate a PS3 game on amazon?

  3. By clicking the review button.

  4. Fryfat is a homo.


  6. My apologies, I meant how did you review without actually playing the game?

    What about the fryfat that commented saying he owned a PS3?

  7. I'm actually quite proud of that review. For anyone curious, here's my review of Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, as posted on Amazon.

    "This is a good game for younger kids, who enjoy watching cartoons and cute little animals talking. But for older more mature core gamers like me, it's a little juvenile. There is no blood, no mature themes, no "adult situations" if you know what I mean.

    So if you're over 12, think twice before buying Ratchet & Clank. (2 stars)"

  8. So you do have a PS3?

  9. OK, i think it's safe to assume you don't own a PS3. You temporarily felt threatened by Ratchet and Clank because of how good a game it was so you had to tear up the review just like any fanboy does when he knows there's a killer game being released on another console that he doesn't own. Also, do you really believe it's the fatasses that are playing the PS360 while people in shape play wii fit? I ask because of the pictures on your front page. I have bad news for you then, you're wrong! It's fatasses with false hope that own the wii fit. Most people that are in shape go OUTSIDE and play REAL sports. I commend you on citing your sources at least but you're not helping your cause with false reviews of games and mixing facts with your own personal opinion. Your articles along with your stupid wii costume picture prove how much of a loser you are.
